1. Graduate
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Biomedical Data Science Initiative

The Biomedical Data Science Initiative at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai brings together research and education to advance precision medicine through computing and big data analytics. From individual diagnostic tests to large-scale epidemiologic studies, the field of medicine involves the collection of a staggering amount of data. The Initiative explores strategies to mine this abundance of information to deepen our understanding of human biology and help all patients achieve optimal health.

Harnessing big data could be the key to returning a child with cancer to health or sparing a grandmother with Alzheimer’s disease from heartbreaking decline. In addition to our research, the Initiative ushers in the next generation of biomedical data scientists to tackle these challenges and more through our biomedical data programs. We offer a Master of Science in Biomedical Data Science and AI program and Genetics and Genomic Sciences multidisciplinary training area within our PhD in Biomedical Science program, both designed to equip students with the skills to advance the fields of computing and big data analytics. The Initiative comprises a network of superb educators and investigators with expertise across:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biostatistics, Clinical Epidemiology, and Clinical Trials
  • Computational Biophysics and Systems Pharmacology
  • Computational Genomics
  • Environmental Medicine and Public Health
  • Health Information Technology
  • Health System Design
  • Imaging and Visualization

Core Team

Marta Filizola, PhD
Marta Filizola, PhD

Co-Director, Biomedical Data Science Initiative
Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Brian J Nickerson, PhD, JD
Brian J Nickerson, PhD, JD

Co-Chair, Education Committee
Senior Associate Dean for Master’s Programs

Eric A Sobie, PhD
Eric A Sobie, PhD

Co-Chair, Education Committee
Senior Associate Dean for Programmatic Development, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Patricia Kovatch, BS
Patricia Kovatch, BS

Chair, Infrastructure Committee
Senior Associate Dean for Scientific Computing and Data Science

Avi Ma'ayan, PhD
Avi Ma'ayan, PhD

Education Committee Member

Judy H Cho, MD
Judy H Cho, MD

Infrastructure Committee Member

Zahi A Fayad, PhD
Zahi A Fayad, PhD

Infrastructure Committee Member

Carlos Cordon-Cardo, MD, PhD
Carlos Cordon-Cardo, MD, PhD

Infrastructure Committee Member

Robert O Wright, MD, MPH
Robert O Wright, MD, MPH

Infrastructure Committee Member

Ramon Parsons, MD, PhD
Ramon Parsons, MD, PhD

Infrastructure Committee Member

Prameet Singh, MD
Prameet Singh, MD

Infrastructure Committee Member

Rosalind J Wright, MD, MPH
Rosalind J Wright, MD, MPH

Infrastructure Committee Member

Eric J Nestler, MD, PhD
Eric J Nestler, MD, PhD

Infrastructure Committee Member

Alison M Goate, DPhil
Alison M Goate, DPhil

Infrastructure Committee Member