1. Graduate

Our Faculty and Leadership

The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is renowned not only for its exceptional educational programs but also for the visionary leadership that drives its success. Led by a distinguished team of program directors, we are committed to providing our students with the highest level of academic excellence, mentorship, and professional development.

Meet the Graduate School Dean

PhD Programs

Our PhD programs in Biomedical Science, Neuroscience, and Clinical Research are led by esteemed program directors who are renowned experts in their fields. Their vast knowledge and experience ensure that our PhD students receive exceptional training and research opportunities.

Marta Filizola, PhD
Marta Filizola, PhD

Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Matthew J O'Connell, PhD
Matthew J O'Connell, PhD

Senior Associate Dean for PhD Programs, Professor, Oncological Sciences

George W Huntley, PhD
George W Huntley, PhD

Program Director, Neuroscience

Janice L Gabrilove, MD
Janice L Gabrilove, MD

Program Director, Clinical Research

Alan J Moskowitz, MD
Alan J Moskowitz, MD

Co-Director, Clinical Research

Emilia Bagiella, PhD
Emilia Bagiella, PhD

Co-Director, Clinical Research

Multidisciplinary Training Areas

Our multidisciplinary training areas provide the opportunity to expand your area of study beyond the confines of one discipline, and are led by field experts who help you translate principle into practice.

Hayit Greenspan, PhD
Hayit Greenspan, PhD

Co-Director, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Medicine

Alan C Seifert, PhD
Alan C Seifert, PhD

Co-Director, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Medicine

Martin J Walsh, PhD
Martin J Walsh, PhD

Co-Director, Cancer Biology

James J Manfredi, PhD
James J Manfredi, PhD

Co-Director, Cancer Biology

Robert S Krauss, PhD
Robert S Krauss, PhD

Co-Director, Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cells

Nicole C Dubois, PhD
Nicole C Dubois, PhD
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR | Cell, Developmental & Regenerative Biology
Michael Lazarus, PhD
Michael Lazarus, PhD

Co-Director, Disease Mechanisms and Therapeutics

Avner Schlessinger, PhD
Avner Schlessinger, PhD

Co-Director, Disease Mechanisms and Therapeutics

Anne Bowcock, PhD
Anne Bowcock, PhD

Co-Director, Genetics and Genomic Sciences

Alice O Silva(Kamphorst), PhD
Alice O Silva(Kamphorst), PhD

Co-Director, Immunology

Jeremiah Faith, PhD
Jeremiah Faith, PhD

Co-Director, Immunology

Jean K Lim, PhD
Jean K Lim, PhD

Co-Director, Microbiology

Domenico Tortorella, PhD
Domenico Tortorella, PhD

Co-Director, Microbiology

Master’s Degree Programs

Our master's degree programs are guided by dedicated program directors who are industry leaders and experts in their domains. With their deep understanding of the field, they equip our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their chosen professions.

Eric A Sobie, PhD
Eric A Sobie, PhD

Program Director, Biomedical Data Science

Jose M Silva, PhD
Jose M Silva, PhD

Program Director, Biomedical Sciences

Emilia Bagiella, PhD
Emilia Bagiella, PhD

Co-Director, Biostatistics

Alan D Weinberg, MS
Alan D Weinberg, MS

Co-Director, Biostatistics

Janice L Gabrilove, MD
Janice L Gabrilove, MD

Director, Clinical Research

Alan J Moskowitz, MD
Alan J Moskowitz, MD

Co-Director, Clinical Research Training Program

Randi E Zinberg, MS
Randi E Zinberg, MS

Director, Genetic Counseling

Brian J Nickerson, PhD, JD
Brian J Nickerson, PhD, JD

Director, Health Care Delivery Leadership, Health Administration
Director, Public Health

Damaskini Valvi, MD, PhD, MPH
Damaskini Valvi, MD, PhD, MPH

Director, Epidemiology

Kyunghyun Lee, MD
Kyunghyun Lee, MD

Associate Director, Biomedical Sciences

Dual Degree Programs

Our dual degree programs are led by exceptional program directors who bring together the worlds of clinical practice and scientific research. These accomplished leaders ensure that students receive a seamless integration of medical training and rigorous scientific education.

Talia H Swartz, MD, PhD
Talia H Swartz, MD, PhD

Director, MD-PhD Program

Keith M Sigel, MD, PhD
Keith M Sigel, MD, PhD

Co-Director, MD/MSCR PORTAL Program

Janice L Gabrilove, MD
Janice L Gabrilove, MD

Director, Clinical Research Training Program

Nils Hennig, MD, PhD
Nils Hennig, MD, PhD

Director, Advanced Certificate in Public Health

Eric J Nestler, MD, PhD
Eric J Nestler, MD, PhD

Senior Advisor, MD-PhD

Certificate and Pathway Programs

The certificate and pathway programs at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences are overseen by dedicated program directors who are committed to providing specialized training and opportunities for professional growth.

Nils Hennig, MD, PhD
Nils Hennig, MD, PhD

Director, Advanced Certificate in Public Health

Janice L Gabrilove, MD
Janice L Gabrilove, MD

Director, Clinical Research Training Program

Alan J Moskowitz, MD
Alan J Moskowitz, MD

Co-Director, Clinical Research Training Program

Rosamond Rhodes, PhD
Rosamond Rhodes, PhD

Program Director, Fogarty International Program in Research Ethics

Silvia De Rubeis, PhD
Silvia De Rubeis, PhD

Program Director, Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program

Jamilia Sly, PhD
Jamilia Sly, PhD

Associate Director, Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program

Hala Nicolas, PhD
Hala Nicolas, PhD

Program Director, Summer Undergraduate Research Program for Underrepresented Scholars