In 2013, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) awarded a contract to the Light and Health Research Center (LHRC). The project focused on the correlation of daylighting with health and well-being, assessed the building occupant experience of light, and looked to identify health outcomes linked with measured light exposure in Federal High-Performance Green Buildings.
LHRC researchers used the Daysimeter, a calibrated, personal light and activity sensor that continuously records and stores data for measuring circadian light (circadian stimulus or CS). LHRC researchers also conducted photometric measurements to assess the potential for CS in the buildings.
Current research involves field testing novel luminaires developed by the LHRC to promote circadian entrainment and alertness in the office environment.
Several buildings were evaluated during different seasons.
Results Reports
Denver Federal Center in Lakewood, Colorado
Technical Report: Measuring Circadian Light Exposure in Newly Remodeled Office Spaces
Building 48 Design Case Study
Department of State Buildings, Washington DC
Technical Report: Increasing Circadian Light Exposure in Office Spaces
Light, Alertness, and Circadian Entrainment in Three Office Buildings
Indoor Light and Health Study at U.S. Embassies in the Far North
The Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building in Portland, Oregon
Results Report: Facility Lighting – Late Spring
Results Report: Facility Lighting – Winter
Results Report: Measuring Personal Light, Exposures, Health, and Wellbeing Outcomes
The Federal Center South Building 1202 in Seattle, Washington
Results Report: Facility Lighting – Winter
Results Report: Measuring Personal Light, Exposures, Health, and Wellbeing Outcomes
The GSA Central Office Building in Washington, D.C.
Results Report: Facility Lighting – Summer
Results Report: Facility Lighting – Winter
Results Report: Measuring Personal Light, Exposures, Mood, and Sleep Quality
The GSA Regional Office Building in Washington, D.C.
Results Report: Facility Lighting – Summer
Results Report: Facility Lighting – Winter
VA in White River Junction, VT and Turner Fairbank Federal Highway Research Center, McLean, VA
Methodology Report: Lighting Guidelines Field Demonstration
The Wayne N. Aspinall Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Grand Junction, Colorado
Results Report: Facility Lighting – Summer
Results Report: Facility Lighting – Winter
Results Report: Measuring Personal Light, Exposures, Health, and Wellbeing Outcomes