Application Information

All sponsored project applications and a subset of ISMMS supported projects are prepared in InfoEd and routed for approval through the department(s) in which there are key personnel each year of the project.  Please review GCO’s complete submission requirements including exceptions here.

All sponsored projects must be submitted through InfoEd and reviewed by the GCO before submitting to an external funding agency, including those where an institutional signature isn’t required.

Effective 1/1/2024, new industry sponsored clinical trials with no competitive review process are no longer submitted to the GCO.  Re: industry sponsored clinical trials with no competitive review process that have already been submitted to the GCO, please do continue submitting the non-competitive applications to the GCO through close out.

Industry funding where MSIP signs the agreement and all industry funding that is peer reviewed, including but not limited to SBIR/STTR subawards, continues to require GCO submission and review.

Contact Lists



The following documents from the GCO will assist you in getting started with the application process:

InfoEd is the software program the Icahn School of Medicine uses to internally route and manage all research and sponsored project applications excluding BRANY projects.

InfoEd is also used to submit competitive, single project National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal sponsored projects electronically to these agencies. These applications are called “System to System Submissions” or “S2S” applications.  InfoEd is the system used to transmit the application directly to the extramural funding agency.

All other applications are referred to as “Non System to System Submissions” or “non-S2S.” For non-S2S applications, the system is used internally at ISMMS only and not to submit the application to the extramural funding agency.

Beginning April 10, 2023, the Principal Investigator (PI) or his/her delegate must create a Triggering Event (TE) in eDMS for  every project (e.g., new, yearly renewals, supplement requests, no cost extension applications) each project year except for 1) final reports and 2) BRANY projects.

Once the Triggering Event is created, the investigator will be prompted by email to complete project specific conflict of interest questions.

Sinai Central houses historical Investigator Forms (IFs) and conflicts of interest information prior to April 1, 2023.

Includes GCO, Finance, COI, and other related application information

Tip: GCO forms in .xls format work best and should be downloaded using Chrome and not Firefox

Other Support includes all resources made available to a researcher in support of and/or related to all of their research endeavors.

  • This includes resources and/or financial support from all foreign and domestic entities that are available to the researcher.
  • This is regardless of whether or not they have monetary value.
  • This is regardless of whether they are based at the institution the researcher identifies for the current grant.

GCO Resources
NIH Resources
NSF Resources
DOD Resources

GCO Resources



Forms and Checklists

Other Support Template

Visit the Other Support SharePoint Site to access the new NIH and DOD templates, samples, shared folders, and instructions.

Features include data entry of standardized information, ability to customize and further tailor, for use with Mount Sinai only appointments, Multiple Research Appointments (MRAs) or Dual ISMMS – VA Appointments, and shared access with research team, departmental administration, and the GCO.

For technical assistance with the OS Templates please submit a Research 411 Ticket .

NIH Resources



Other Support

Please visit the NIH webpages for additional resources.

NSF Resources

DOD Resources

National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires a data management and sharing plan effective for competitive grant applications for due dates on or after January 25, 2023.

NIH Guidance, Policies and Resources

NIH Training

Mount Sinai Resources

Other Resources

NIH Guidance, Policies and Resources

NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Website

NIH’s Data Management and Sharing Policy Site is organized into the following 3 sections:

Below are additional NIH resources.

NIH Training

Mount Sinai Resources

Data Storage Options Prior to Sharing

Software Storage Option Prior to Sharing

Research Data Retention Requirements

Data and Software Sharing Repository Guidance and Resources

Visit the NIH site for Selecting a Data Repository for more information. For information on repositories that can accommodate project data that may need to be controlled/restricted or embargoed/delayed, see Repository Selection - Research Data Management and Sharing - Levy Library Guide.

Preparation Tools
DMPTool is a free, open-source, online application that helps researchers create data management plans (DMPs).  These plans are now required by many funding agencies as part of the grant proposal submission process. The DMPTool provides a click-through wizard for creating a DMP that complies with funder requirements. There are three options to choose from as follows:

  1. NIH Default Plan
    This is the original, generic template offered by DMPTool.

Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) Pilot Templates

  1. Alpha
    Alpha is a prescriptive template designed to limit the need for free text entry.

  2. Bravo
    Bravo provides detailed prompts as well as more options to include free text responses as necessary.

The FDP created the Alpha and Bravo templates and collaborated with DMPTool to make their templates available through this online resource.  The FDP Organization has requested that you share your feedback via a survey.  

Previews of the Alpha and Bravo Templates:   FDP Pilot Template Alpha  I  FDP Pilot Template Bravo

NIMH/NIAAA Cost Estimator Tool
This cost estimator tool may be useful for projects that involve extensive work with sensitive human data and that have highly specified finder requirements.

OSF DMSP Checklist
The Working Group from the Open Science Framework (OSF) has developed a checklist for researchers.

Please read this series of communications regarding how Mount Sinai can help you with your DMSP.

Please review these resources when Mount Sinai is the prime institution submitting a sponsored project with subrecipient institutions or the reverse, when Mount Sinai is the subrecipient on another institution’s sponsored project.

Policies and Procedures


