1. Medical Education Curriculum
Image of student

Executive Oversight Committee

The Executive Oversight Committee oversees the Medical Education Program curriculum at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Membership Appointment and Terms

The Chair of the Executive Oversight Committee is nominated by the Dean of Medical Education and appointed by the Dean of Icahn Mount Sinai for a three-year renewable term.

For other positions on the committee, faculty members are invited to apply annually. Candidates can either nominate themselves or be nominated by a peer. The Executive Committee of the Faculty Council manages the review of all applications and the selection of nominees for the Executive Oversight Committee. Appointed faculty members each serve a three-year renewable term and represent various departments, clinical training sites, and research initiatives.

Additionally, one MD or MD-PhD student from each class is elected by their peers to serve a four-year term. Ex-officio members and chairs of subcommittees are not subject to term limits.

Executive Oversight Committee Responsibilities

The Executive Oversight Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • Conduct a continuous review of curriculum design, course organization, teaching performance, and outcomes—both programmatic and student—to formulate targeted recommendations for improvement.
  • Review and approve a curriculum that is consistent with the medical educational program objectives of Icahn Mount Sinai.
  • Monitor the quality and outcomes of each course, module, clerkship and acting internship, as well as each phase and the entirety of the curriculum.
  • Ensure comprehensive coordination and integration of curriculum content across and within academic phases.
  • Provide comprehensive oversight of all educational policies, focusing specifically on aspects related to the curriculum and those elements of student affairs that directly pertain to curricular matters.
  • Ascertain the resource requirements necessary to support the curriculum effectively.
  • Advocate for the best interests of the students and the educational program, independent of external influences and departmental pressures.